Dual diagnosis refers to one or more diagnosed mental health problems occurring at the same time, as problematic drug and alcohol use.



Dual Diagnosis of a mental illness and a substance abuse problem requires services to deal with both issues and is common and requires services to take into account the complex nature of the problem.



The Eastern Dual Diagnosis Service is one of four specialist dual diagnosis teams funded by the Department of Health as an initiative which aims to support the improvement of responses of mental health and drug treatment services to individuals with both mental illness and substance use problems (dual diagnosis).



This website offers information and resources for people with an interest in dual diagnosis and other complex needs and is managed by the Victorian Dual Diagnosis Initiative (VDDI), VDDI Rural Forum and Homeless Youth Dual Diagnosis Initiative (HYDDI).





Tandem is the Victorian peak body representing family and friends supporting people living with mental health issues. Tandem’s mission is to provide leadership and coordination for the community of individuals and organisations who seek better outcomes for Victorian mental health carers.



Carers Victoria work to ensure that caring is a shared responsibility for family, community and government, providing support for carers with the focus on a better life for the carer.



VMIAC is run by and for mental health consumers (the word ‘consumer’ is commonly used to describe people who’ve used mental health services) and we advocate for individual consumers with mental health and related services.



Recognising the importance of support for carers, Villa Maria Catholic Homes offer a range of support services and no matter what your age, vmch is here to support you, as well as, ensuring you get the right services for your situation and can focus on your health and wellbeing.



Providing support for families and carers whose loved ones are living with dementia.



Caring for a person with Alzheimer’s or dementia often involves a team of people. Whether you provide daily caregiving, participate in decision making, or simply care about a person with the disease — Alzheimer’s association have resources to help.



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FaPMI (Families where a Parent has a Mental Illness)


Carers Can Ask Resource

Advice for Carers on Treatment, Discharge Planning and On-going Support (courtesy of Eastern Health; Mental Health & Substance Use; The Victorian FaPMI (Families where a Parent has Mental Illness) Program.



Head to Health can help you find digital mental health services from some of Australia’s most trusted mental health organisations. Provided by the Australian Department of Health, Head to Health bring together apps, online programs, online forum and phone services, as well as, a rang of digital information resources.



Find the help you need, now and nearby. Search over 370,000 support services for Housing, Food, Everyday things, Domestic Violence, Centrelink, Legal, Money Help and many more.



By calling Carer Gateway, you will be connected with a new Australia-wide network of Carer Gateway service providers and they will talk through what you need and help you to find local services and support to help you.





Families in tough situations often overlook the strengths that they have as individuals and as a family unit and there is a commitment to helping families get back in touch with their strengths and find creative ways to harness them.